Be careful! Blogger profiles can be deleted

by @cyballruiz

Blogger devs launched recently a new feature: users can delete their Blogger profile.

I kinda feel a déjà vu, seems to me that years ago this was possible too AND I did it, but who knows...

So, Blogger is a service of Google, like Youtube or Adsense. And this service needs its own profile.

At the moment we start a blog, our profile will be created. We can use any username and photo, not need to be the same as we use with our Google account.

Also, it will be created the moment we decide to comment on a post (not owning a blog). If we choose to use our Google account, then we will be asked to create our profile if we don't have one.

The profile contains:

  • Your blogs, and posts.
  • Comments made on any Blogger site
  • Media like photos and videos.

I highly recommend NO DELETE YOUR PROFILE, this process is permanent, at this very moment there is no way to revert it.

How to delete your Blogger profile

Step 1:

The quickest way is going to your Google Account page.

On Data & privacy page, scroll until find Download or delete your data, choose Delete a Google Service.

Deleting Blogger profile - step 1

Step 2:

The system will ask for your password, to be sure you are the owner of the Google account. This prevents other people (kids, family, coworkers) with access to your device could do this process without your knowledge.

Step 3: 

On the next page, choose again Blogger by clicking the trash icon.

Step 4

The system will open a window showing all the consequences of deleting a Blogger profile:

  • This will delete your Blogger profile and blogs you've managed
  • This will not delete blogs you've jointly managed or written or have lost access to
  • This will delete posts you've published on blogs that you wrote
  • This will anonymize posts you've published on blogs that you did not write or blogs you lost access to
  • This will delete any comments you've made on Blogger while being signed in to this Google Account
  • This will delete videos you've uploaded to Blogger
  • This will not delete images you've uploaded to Blogger. They'll remain in your Album Archive
  • This will delete your Reading List
  • Note: This will not delete content you've uploaded to other Google services, like YouTube, and separately reposted on Blogger

Step 5

It is mandatory to mark the checkbox on that window to actually proceed to delete the profile.

And this step is, again, very clear about the consequence of deleting the profile.

Required: Yes, I understand that this will permanently delete my Blogger profile, and that this action can't be undone

Then click Delete Blogger profile, and done! 

This process, as I said, is permanent. It is meant for users that desire to remove at once all their profile's content without regrets.

Don't "experiment" with this process to "see how it works". It will give you a headache.